Class Newsletter | Fifth

October News from Fifth Grade

October 7, 2020
Miss L. Boron

It is hard to believe that October is now upon us. With the days getting shorter and the temperatures a bit cooler, I am also enjoying my students' ability to acclimate to being in school five days a week, eight hours a day, and keeping up with a very busy schedule.

The hallway outside our classroom is decorated with examples of some of their fine work. In September, each student wrote a letter to the Blessed Mother expressing their sadness over the sorrows that Mary had to suffer. Most of the letters included a sentence requesting that She watch over and pray for us during this time; somehow, I begin those sweet requests are being listened as we continue our days healthy and safe. Also, in our study of the events leading up to the Civil War, the students were given an opportunity to be columnists and/or illustrators for the then popular newspaper, "The Liberator". My budding editorialists shared their opinions about the evils of slavery. The work that came from their hands and minds is so impressive, and again, adorns our halls showing their empathy for others, their artistic gifts, and their ability to share those feelings and talents.

The progression of this month leads us to the end of our first quarter. I know that when Report Card grades will be shared, my parents will be quite proud of their fifth grader's academic growth, thus far this year. I know that I am...we keep striving to reach for those stars and remember that to whom much is given, much is expected.

May you all keep yourselves healthy, safe, and in close contact with God...

Warm regards,

Miss L. Boron


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